Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Stupid Bitches in Canadian History
So...there are 3 main ones, one that sits behind them and a fat girl on the periphery. The 3 main ones all have blonde straightened hair and lulu lemon swag. Last class, the one in the back spent the WHOLE class on the lulu lemon website online shopping. Geoff is muttering. They whisper the whole time too, its like, welcome to grade 8. Awesome. In one class the prof (morrison) was talking about putting kids in french immersion and the one blonde skank was like MY PARENTS PUT ME IN FRENCH IMMERSION AND NOW I WORK FOR PARKS CANADA BLAH BLAH BLAH IM SO IMPORTANT EVERYONE LOOK AT ME BECAUSE IM TALKING SO SHRILLY. It really sucks, I feel like the general IQ drops around me when I enter this class, except that I sit beside Geoff and he apparently has a stunningly high IQ according to some online test so I'm ok. One of them has this offensively pink lulu lemon hoodie AND a matching pink lulu lemon shoulder bag. One has a lulu lemon binder. UGH. They have bimbo voices and that face that just screams "IM SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU BECAUSE IM SUPER BITCHY DONT YOU JUST WISH YOU COULD TALK TO ME BUT YOU CANT BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT KIND OF PANTS OR SOMETHING, I DONT REALLY KNOW BECAUSE MY BRAIN IS SMALLER THAN THAT OF A HAMSTER." Fuck stupid bitches. I'm embarassed that they go to university.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Gratuitously Cute Nicknames...
So I've decided just to be gratuituitous I'm going to start calling Geoff really grossly cute nicknames all the time but not tell him about it (I doubt he'll read this). Some things such as:
Pork Chop
Old Geoffy
Precious (said in smeagol voice)
Cheese Ball
Mister Frodo
Jelly Bean
Biscotti Bits
Cupcake pants
and my personal favourite: Honey Bunches of Biscuits.
Get ready to puke world...
Pork Chop
Old Geoffy
Precious (said in smeagol voice)
Cheese Ball
Mister Frodo
Jelly Bean
Biscotti Bits
Cupcake pants
and my personal favourite: Honey Bunches of Biscuits.
Get ready to puke world...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So Geoff and I are super cool and are watching the extended version Lord of the Rings movies for the second time this year...I even bought the soundtrack of the second movie off of the itunes. We watched the first one last night. It has lots of quotable lines which is pretty cool and I like it in that the group is all together so there aren't tons of Sam/Frodo/Smeagol parts where Frodo is just really really homoerotic on Sam. Frodo is such a chode. In the first Lord of the Rings movie, Frodo falls down 10 times.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
So I'm sitting on Geoff's bed and he won't be awake for probably another 10 hours because its only 9:50 in the ams. Ugh. I can't really think of anything to write about... I just clipped my fingernails all over his bed but he didn't notice because he's unconsious. Thats actually really gross. I didn't realize the extent of the grossness at the time. I just asked him if he wanted to go on a rollercoaster and he shook his head violently no and started growling. Then I asked him if he wanted sushi or a candle and he's thrashing around about it. This is a really boring post- and a really boring morning. I hope he reads this and realizes how boring this morning is. Ì'm going to eat some floor pizza. Yay his phone alarm is going off, time to get up? Apparently not, apparently its time to turn off the alarm and roll over, taking all the blankets and ripping most of the top sheet off the mattress and start snoring almost immediately. Boring boring boring.
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